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Search engine optimization, SEO tips, how to do seo

by on Category: Internet Marketing (10695 Views)

Pay attention to your keywords and keyword phrase

Know your business. What are people looking for when they are looking for you? Find a great keyword phrase for each page. Write different pages for different keywords and keyword phrases.

When choosing your keywords and keyword phrase choose one that is popular but not the most popular.

Why? Popular keywords might be too competitive, and your site might get lost in the shuffle. Find a keyword that is popular and specific to your business or area or one that is less popular, this will guarantee a higher ranking, and higher traffic to your site.

Write an accessible site - HTML

Make sure that search engine spiders are able to read your site by using an accessible HTML language.

Don't forget to use the keyword phrase in your title tag

Place your keyword phrase in the title tag, likely at the beginning. You want tthat keyword phrase as the link in the search engine index and a key phrase that will get to the search engines.

Try to find a domain name with your keyword phrase

What better way to optimize for your keyword phrase than to have the keyword right in your domain name!

Write new and unique content

It is important to write new information with exclusive to your site. Provide plenty of content that has particular information about your business and that is different you're your competitors.

Add new content to your website, consistently.

You want to help your ranking by adding relevant new information to your site consistently. Search engines consider more reliable sites that have new content on a regular basis.

Always add the keyword phrase in your URL

Because search engines read the URL's it is very important to add your key word phrase in your URL. The search engine will read the URL and assign value to the text in your URL, therefore do not forget to add those keyword phrases in your URL.

Use your keyword phrase in headlines

Headlines are more important than the following text for search engines; therefore make sure that you place keyword phrases in your headlines.

Use your keyword phrase in anchor text of links

Links stand out on most Web pages, and sometimes are given higher priority than other text.

Ask other people for relevant and reputable links to your page

Relevant, high quality links are a good way to optimize. Do not get too many, as it can be seen as spam.

Try to get links from similar sites

Indicating that your site has content related to topic at hand and that competitors find the site valuable. This creates more credibility.

Create plenty of content

Write as much information as you can. Larger sites have more to index and therefore more to appear on the search engines.

Create a sitemap

Site maps increase likeability to search engines. They help find links to your own website. It can be an XML which is the preferred method but you can also do a Google sitemap or a plain HTML.

Make sure your keyword phrase is in the first paragraph and at the top of the HTML

Keyword phrases in the first paragraph and at the top of the HTML are important and give higher priority to your site.

When possible, increase the font size of your keyword phrase.

Larger text is more relevant than smaller and search engines recognize this.

If you want your keywords to stand out; format them

Using and will make your keyword phrases stand out. Search engines will read those tags, and will recognize that text that is emphasized is often more important than the text around it.

Link to your page from within your site

This is a very easy way to get links. This also helps the search engines find all the pages on your site.

Make sure not to get too many inbound links at the same time and keep your old links.

You don't want to be seemed as buying link placement, this will look like spam. You want to keep a consistent flow of links that are relevant to your site and don't forget to keep the old ones.

Get linked in and Yahoo and other directories

Don’t forget other directories.

Link all major images

People like clicking on images, and search engines value the content that has been linked to those images. Make sure you include text to the images.

Keep your pages up-to-date

Don't neglect your website. Regularly update your site; search engines give priority to regularly updated pages. Make sure that the updates are significant and relevant.

If you are using Flash, make sure you include text

Flash is not recommended for SEO, but if you are using flash, make sure that you are adding alternative text. And make sure that you have a secondary version of your site in HTML. s written in, but they do use that tag, and it could help you rank higher in searches in that language.

Don't host your site with a host that allows spammers or a host that is regularly down.

Any type of spammers. Read your host’s policy and terms and conditions. If the IP is blacklisted even if your content is legit your site will be blacklisted as well. When looking for a host, make sure you also find out what the uptime rates and downtime rates are. Make sure your host is up more than 98% of the time.

Don't write your content with JavaScript

Content will not be indexed.

Don't use images instead of text links

Text is what search engines look for. Search engine spiders crawl through your site by following links, and links on images can be more difficult for them to follow or rank than text links.

Don't misspell your keywords in your content

While some people might recommend it to optimize, it will ultimately ruin your credibility. Today most search engines have built in spell checkers, avoid misspellings.

Don't use your keyword phrase too much

This is called keyword stuffing. Make sure that there is plenty of text surrounding your keywords and that your keyword usage per page is no more than 10%. If the stuffing is so obvious the site could even be banned from the engines.

Don't rely on links from domains on the same IP

Google doesn't discriminate against domains that have the same IP but other search engines may.

Don't use URL parameters if you can avoid it

Parameters on URLs make them long and hard for anyone to read. And search engines can get confused by them. If you must use parameters, you might want to consider doing a URL rewrite to static URLs, at least for your most important pages.

Don't use dynamic URL's

Search engines tend to prefer static URLs to dynamic ones.

Don't rely on AdSense or AdWords to increase your rankings

AdSense ads won't improve your ranking in search engines. They won't hurt your rankings but they will not help.

Never link your site to a link farm

Avoid any bad association that can be brought on by them. You might end up with a lower page ranking.

Don't create pages of links

Make sure your links are relevant to content pages and not in the form of link pages.

Don't have broken/unavailable links on your site

These links make your site look unmanaged.

Don't make constant minor changes to content

Updating your content is a good thing, when it is new relevant and substantial information, however, constant minor changes like spell checks is not good. Constant minor changes look like you are trying to fool the search engines to think you update your pages more than you actually do.

Don't duplicate content on your site

Search engines do not like this duplication.

Don't use robots.txt to ban more than fifty percent of your site

You don't want the search engines to think that your site is forbidden.

Don't write Flash-only sites

You can use Flash on your site, but you must have an HTML version that displays when Flash is enabled. The search engines only see the HTML.

Do not redirect to another domain

Redirecting to another domain is a common spammer trick.

Never link invisible images and never include invisible text

Invisible images are are 1x1 pixels in size and cannot be seen by the naked eye on a Web page. Because links are given some priority in ranking a Web page, linking images that cannot be seen by your customers appears to be aimed only at search engine spiders. Using this technique can actually ban you.

Never use doorway pages

Doorway pages are HTML pages that are written to optimize on one or two keyword phrases, they are programmed so that search engines spiders see them, but regular readers are taken to the real site. You could get banned by using this technique.

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