Website Terms
Website Terms of Use
Use of this web site, and information distributed in conjunction with this website, including without limitation the Web Designer Express Corp E-Newsletter Service, is offered to you on your acceptance of these Terms of Use, our Privacy Statement and other notices posted on this web site. Your use of this web site or of any content presented in any and all areas of the web site indicates your acknowledgment and agreement to these Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy and other notices posted on this web site. If you do not agree to be bound by and comply with all of the foregoing, you may not access or use our information, services, or web site. We suggest you print a copy of each of these documents for your records. shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, add or remove any terms or conditions of these Terms of Use without notice or liability to you. Any changes to these Terms of Use shall be effective immediately following the posting of such changes on this web site.
You agree to review these Terms of Use from time to time and agree that any subsequent use by you of this web site following changes to these Terms of Use shall constitute your acceptance of all such changes.
If you have any questions about our privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, please contact us.

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What our (Partners/Customers) are saying
THANK YOU SO MUCH! It's incredible the way you guys work. As soon as I saw your website I went the portfolio to see the types of website you guys do and all the websites worked on... it's Amazing. So I said to myself I have to use this company to make my website. I talked to Gustavo the same day. You're the greatest.
Emildes Yamashita, Extreme Hair Treatment
Miami, Florida - USA